The Story

Hi there! I’m Hillary!

Most of the time you can find me chasing three little boys around outside, teaching science in my middle school classroom, or exploring new places with my family - most of the time with a camera close by. Freezing these moments in time has allowed me to treasure these fleeting moments.

This journey began after my first son, Ben, was born and I decided to really pick up my camera. I’ve always had a camera in hand for as long as I can remember, but it was time to really utilize this tool to allow me to be able to hang on to as many moments as possible.

Indulging in courses, following other creatives, and practicing has allowed me to turn this passion into a business where I am able to capture moments for my clients on film and digitally. It’s a joy to shoot film and digital photography because they are two distinct mediums that hold their own unique charm and appeal. I love that film captures images creating an aesthetic that is often considered timeless and nostalgic, while digital photography offers allows for greater flexibility and quicker turn around times.

What a joy it would be to photograph your family!

Find @hillaryrobinsonphotography on Instagram and Facebook